The Goodwin Group
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry

Positions in the group...
Prospective Student Researchers (MChem and below)

If you're interested in pursuing a final year research project in our group, contact Dr Goodwin directly. He will be happy to have an informal chat with you, and you can also visit our lab. Our group typically takes on one final-year project student each year, and they are an integral part of our research efforts. As a project student, you will usually work on synthesis-heavy projects that overlap with Ph.D and/or PDRA (Postdoctoral Research Associate – “PostDoc”) projects. On a day-to-day basis, you'll be closely supervised by an individually assigned PDRA or senior Ph.D researcher. Informal discussions with Dr Goodwin will be held every day in the lab, alongside scheduled one-to-one monthly meetings. Most final-year project students will have their work published in the primary literature. Don't hesitate to come and speak to us before making your project choices.

Alternatively, mechanisms for funding short "summer projects" for younger researchers exist and can be found below.

Prospective Postgraduate Researchers (Ph.Ds)

2025-01: The group is pleased to announce two funded PhD studentships ready to be filled by aspiring synthetic chemists who want to explore the basement of the periodic table and work on some interdisciplinary fundamental chemistry.

Both projects are synthesis focused. The first aims to unlock new high oxidation state f-element chemistry and isolate new oxidation states, the second aims to gain a better understanding of the electronic structure of Ce(III) molecules and to engineer their properties for potential qubit molecules. Please reach out to Conrad directly for more information.

The group accepts new Ph.D researchers each year who will work on important research themes within the group. The admission process is organized centrally and students can apply through the web application system. Interested students are always welcome to visit the lab or informally discuss projects with Dr Goodwin. We encourage students to make informal contact before submitting formal applications. There are several funding options available, including School DTG, University Scholarships such as President's Doctoral or Dean's Fund, or funding from the student's home country, e.g. CSC.

Specific positions will be advertised on University pages,, and our homepage. However, outstanding Ph.D. candidates are encouraged to apply for further funding opportunities such as those mentioned above, or listed below – please note, these are extremely competetive and you should reach out to Dr Goodwin if you wish to apply.

Prospective Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs)

The group supports Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs) through funding obtained from grant bodies and charities. Any available positions will be advertised through the University and If no positions are advertised, it should be assumed that they are already filled. However, interested high calibre candidates can still apply for funding through a number of possible sources, either by applying themselves, or by being named as a researcher in an application made by Dr Goodwin. Those interested in applying for funding are encouraged to contact Dr Goodwin to discuss their options.

See below for a limited list of external funding opportunities which would enable a researcher bring their own funding.