Latest News
- 2025-01-16: Conrad gives an invited research talk at the University of Greenwich and shared the latest results by Ross and Ben to a new audience. Many thanks to Xacobe and Ewan for the invite.
- 2025-01-12: The group is pleased to announce two funded PhD studentships ready to be filled by aspiring synthetic chemists who want to explore the basement of the periodic table and work on some interdisciplinary fundamental chemistry.
Both projects are synthesis focused. The first aims to unlock new high oxidation state f-element chemistry and isolate new oxidation states, the second aims to gain a better understanding of the electronic structure of Ce(III) molecules and to engineer their properties for potential qubit molecules. Please reach out to Conrad directly for more information.
- 2024-09-21: We also welcome both Iain Cameron and Charlie Moir to the group. Iain is co-supervised by Dr Goodwin, jointly with Profs McInnes and Winpenny working on f-element EPR spectroscopy, whilst Charlie is a University of Manchester and Tsinghua Dual-Award PhD student working in the Baker group and co-supervised by Dr Goodwin along with Profs. Hanshi Hu and Jun Li at Tsinghua and will study f-element electronic structure using synchrotron experiments and computational chemistry.
- 2024-09-16: New PDRA Liam and PhD researcher Orry begin their time at Manchester. Welcome both and we can't wait to see what you get up to!
- 2024-09-05: The group celebrates securing a European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC StG). Details of upcoming positions will be posted when available. We also welcomed both Liam and Orry on their first group social to Nells @ Kampus for some giant pizzas to celebrate.
- 2024-08-14: Conrad and Darren (website) had the honor of hosting the 2024 Dalton Northern Regional Meeting at Manchester. Due to the immense work of the Chemistry Operations team, along with support on the day from Ben, Ross, and Cameron, it went off without a hitch. Congratulations to the poster prize winners, and thank you to the RSC Dalton Division and Andrew Jupp for holding his 2024 Frankland Award Lecture at the meeting.
2024 RSC Frankland Award winner Andrew Jupp, and the poster winners!
We are The Goodwin Group in the Department of Chemistry The University of Manchester, and we are working to further our understanding of the f-block elements – lanthanides and actinides. We predominantly focus on non-aqueous chemistry to realise well-defined coordination geometries with which to stabilise highly reactive oxidation states and bonding motifs.
Goodwin Group in November 2024, and post Christmas meal 2024